Most people who get whiplash will make a full recovery. How you manage your pain in the early stages can make a big difference to your recovery time. The advice below is based on evidence from scientific research to help you get better , faster.
Remember that whiplash is rarely serious, and is a short term problem. Most whiplash injuries only involve the soft tissues and hence there is no need for Xrays, and the problem will get better. Symptoms often come on after a few days and are a normal reaction to the strain on the neck or back. It usually takes a few days or weeks to settle with the right treatment.
Serious Symptoms
If you have any of the following due to a whiplash injury you should go and see your GP or A & E for a check up:
- If you have been unconscious
- Headaches, disturbed vision, vomiting, nausea or confusion
- Widespread pins and needles or weakness (short term pins and needles in one arm or leg is common and not serious)
- Severe neck stiffness or odd neck posture
- Problems with balance or walking
What To Do If You Have Whiplash
- Stay as active as possible, doing normal activities including your work, if at all possible. This will help you stay moving and will speed your recovery up
- Exercise: our physiotherapists are experts in rehabilitation and can show you exercises specifically designed for you individual problem to help you get moving again
- Take painkillers or anti inflammatories as advised by your GP or pharmacist
- Use hot or cold, whichever you prefer. Wrap the pack in a towel first, leave on for 15 minutes, as often as you need to
How Physiotherapy Can Help
Our expert physios can give you advice and teach you self management skills to help get you back to full function and help with things like comfortable sleeping positions. we can also use hands on techniques such as massage, manipulation and mobilisation which are clinically proven to help reduce the pain and improve function. We can do acupuncture which can be helpful for relieving the pain also.