Most of us will get back pain at some point in our lives, sometimes with sciatica too. In the majority of cases it will ease within a few days if you stay active and follow these simple, evidence based guidelines:
- Take over the counter painkillers of you need them, or see your GP for their recommendations. Controlling the pain will allow you to function more normally and therefore get better more quickly.
- Use a heat patch or wheat bag to ease the pain, or an ice pack covered in a damp tea towel if it is a new injury (less than 3 days old)
- Keep active, try not to sit or lie down for longer than 20 minutes at a time, and keep working if at all possible. You may need to change how you work temporarily and could discuss this with your employer.
- Take care when bending and avoid heavy lifting.
- Take breaks when driving to get out and stretch your legs
Treatments for back pain
Some people may need further help if the pain persists. A physiotherapist can help in many ways. You do not need to see your GP first, although if you are covered by a health insurance plan they may require you to be referred via your GP.
Treatments we can provide for back pain and sciatica include:
- Massage to help reduce tension and muscle spasm
- Manipulation to help restore movement problems and normal function to your back
- Acupuncture for pain relief, which is recommended by NICE clinical guidelines for low back pain
- Advice and education, we can teach you self management techniques, and will provide individually tailored exercise programmes based on your needs. Physiotherapists are experts in rehabilitation and will help you to help yourself
If you feel you need a little extra help from one of our expert Physiotherapists, ring us on 01977 301412 for a consultation